Thoughts not included in the show:
I can't believe I forgot to mention this when I "phoned in" my thoughts to Paeter for the podcast . . . but I think my biggest problem with Dc Comics these days isn't with the new universe, but with how they ended the old universe (or original).
DC Comics lost an amazing opportunity that would have had me buying trade paperbacks of the Old DC Universe for the rest of my life!
They should have finished all of their stories.
The nature of ongoing comics series is that we will never get a complete end to the tale of all our favorite characters. But with the end of the old DCU, the publisher had an opportunity to show me the ultimate fate of Batman. We could have seen the defeat of Darkseid, the retirement of Wally West, the birth of Superman's child. We could have seen the end of the story! (And then go into Flashpoint or whatever).
What a missed opportunity. What a waste.