Review: In general, I agree with Pelton's preaching philosophy. I am a "Big Idea" preacher from the school of Haddon Robinson. Much of Pelton's book interacts with Robinson's philosophy of preaching, and like minded persons. He uses slightly different terminology, but at its core (or big idea) it flows from that same school of thought.
For this reason alone, I must commend it as a solid work on homiletics.
The book itself, however, is conflicted with what it wants to accomplish. On the one hand, it wants to present itself as an introductory, one-stop shop, for preaching sermons from the text. But on the other, it is trying to make an argument for bringing Christ into every sermon and how to do that. The book is fairly short, but in comparison to the other sections the chapter on "Canonical Big Ideas" is rather long. But it is too short to make a winsome argument, or equip the homiletician with the various options of Christ-centered preaching that Pelton offers.
The book is built off of the "Big Idea" preaching philosophy, and adds onto it this Christ-focused concept of a "Canonical Big Idea." There is simply not enough time spent on this concept, though. In this extended chapter Pelton juggles the tasks of arguing the need for this step, while simultaneously trying to teach how to do this. He doesn't quite succeed in either.
I would like to see his thoughts on this "Canonical Big Idea" presented in a longer work on its own. There just didn't seem to be the space to present what needed to be presented.
Finally, Preaching with Accuracy felt much more abstract than a book like this should feel. There certainly needs to be a philosophy presented, but the suggested big ideas, and sermon help never felt concrete. I looked at the suggested big ideas and without thinking began working on them to simplify their wording. To move them to a more concrete place.
So, while I agree with Pelton's preaching philosophy overall, I feel this book had dual foci which shifted the attention away from the concept of "Canonical Big Ideas" Pelton wanted to present.
Rating: 3/5 (I Liked It)
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