Review: Normally I would delve into the intricacies of plot and characterization, but anything beyond what I shared in the summary would be treading into spoiler territory. I love these graphic novels. They are among my favorite.
Both drawn and written by the amazing Royden Lepp (David: The Shepherd’s Song), the first two volumes tell the story predominantly in images. It is a strength of these novels. Much of the emotion from the story comes from Lepp’s emotive and poignant art. Lepp’s art is incredibly unique and detailed.
Lepp has created a world where prairie farms can successfully coexist with highly developed robot war machines. The real drama, however, comes from the Taylor family. During the devastating war, their father was drafted into the war, and years later he has not returned. His eldest son, Roman, still writes him a letter everyday, and those letters frame the entire story.
Anyone who enjoys graphic novels, phenomenal art, visual storytelling, family drama, robots, robot war machines, robot farmers or beautifully bound books should rush out to grab a copy of these books.
I cannot possibly recommend them enough!
Rating: 5/5 (I loved it)
Rust: Visitor in the Field
Rust: Secrets of the Cell
You can check out some of Royden Lepp’s art on his blog.