So, even though I wasn’t able to enjoy everything I had intended to, August is at an end, and I need to move on, even though I wasn’t able to touch on:
- Beowulf (2007) by Benjamin Bagby with an Anglo-Saxon harp
- Outlander (2008) a science fiction film starring James Caviezel
- Beowulf Graphic Novel by Gareth Hinds (Hint, this is the best adaptation ever)
- Beowulf the Board Game
- Beowulf the Movie Board Game
- Beowulf Action Figure by Art McFarland
- Beowulf DC Comic -2012 (I might still review this one)
- Beowulf Children’s Book
- The IKEA/Beowulf Connection!
So, I guess I have plenty of material to go check out next year for the Second Annual Beowulf Month. Mark your calendars now for August 2014!