The direct link is here.
"Forms of Destiny" by Stuart Vaughn Stockton is a quiet, but profound little story. It's also very bizarre, which just makes it all that much more awesome!
This episode was also a treat because it featured the gorgeous voice talent of my wife in the role of the story's protagonist, Mesh'iel.
With each episode launch our listener base is growing . . . and growing significantly. From the start I had hoped to get contemporary writers submitting their work production. Truth be told, I have personally written enough good short stories to tell for the next few years on the podcast.
But I didn't want it to become the "Nathan James Norman" show. I wanted the Untold Podcast to be more than self-promotion. I wanted the Untold Podcast to be a show featuring many voices and many viewpoints. I wanted the Untold Podcast to capture the culture's imagination!
And praise God . . . it's happening. And it's happening even faster than I had anticipated! We've had some amazing stories on the show already, and we've got several more great ones lined up!
If you're interested in any aspect of working on the show, from production, graphics, web design, to story writing and narration, now is the time to get involved! Head over to the podcast site, and drop us a line!