Names and titles are terribly important.
They define who we are. They remind of us of our roles, privileges and responsibilities in life. The title of doctor reminds a person to “first do no harm.” And our names, likewise, sum up who we are to those who know us . . . and to ourselves. It is because of this that I do not like being called “Nate,” but rather “Nathan.”
In the excellent book, Charts on the Book of Revelation by Mark Wilson, I found a chart listing all the names and titles given to believers in the Lord Jesus Christ found in the book of Revelation.
For those of you who are believers, let these titles encourage you, and these names guide you towards the sort of person you ought to be.
For those of you who have not yet experienced the wonderful freedom of bowing before the Lord of all, read this list, surrender to Jesus and let these names become your own.
Here is a good portion of those titles and names:
- Servants
- Fellow servants
- One who reads of the words of the prophecy
- Those who hear (the words)
- Those who keep the words/commandments
- Kingdom
- Priests
- Brothers
- Partner in tribulation
- Church(es)
- Apostles
- Those who have an ear
- Those who are victorious
- Faithful witness
- Witness(es)
- One who is watchful
- Saints
- Those who were sealed
- Tribe(s) of Israel
- Great multitude
- Prophets
- Those who fear him or his name
- Offspring of the woman
- Those who follow the Lamb
- Firstfruits
- My people
- Wife
- Holy City
- New Jerusalem
- Bride
- My son
- Righteous one